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rockies artinya

rockies artinya
  • It found inspiration in the system of national parks of the Canadian Rockies.
    Keguatan tersebut menemukan inspirasj dalam sistem taman nasional Bebatuan Kanada.
  • Sorry, no classes currently available at Rockies Fitness.
    Maaf, tidak ada kelas tersedia saat ini di Rockies Fitness
  • Complex Rockies, there highland Colorado and Great Basin.
    Komplek Pegunungan Rocky, terdapat dataran tinggi Colorado dan Great Basin.
  • Alert rescue units every mile of the way, from here to the Rockies.
    Unit penyelamat berjaga setiap mil dari jalan, dari sini ke Rockies.
  • We're in the Rockies.
    Kita ada di pegunungan.
  • Up ... the Canadian Rockies, and then it's only a few hundred miles to Anchorage.
    Canadian Rockies, dan hanya beberapa ratus mil ke Anchorage.
  • We had Nekhovich on a flight from Sydney that crashed in the Rockies.
    Kami memiliki Nekhovich dalam penerbangan dari Sydney yang jatuh di Rockies .
  • For millennia, the Rockies have been a battleground for immensely powerful geological forces.
    Untuk ribuan tahun Rockies telah medan pertempuran bagi pasukan geologi sangat kuat.
  • In the American Rockies, a 100,000 avalanches devastate the slopes every winter.
    Di Pegunungan Amerika Rockies. 100.000 avalanches (longsor salju) yang menghancurkan lereng di setiap musim dingin.
  • The slopes of the Rockies, bleak though they are, provide a winter refuge for some animals.
    Di lereng Rockies suram tetapi memberikan perlindungan musim dingin untuk beberapa hewan.
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