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the graduate artinya

the graduate artinya
  • Postgraduate Candidate for the Graduate Certificate in Dermatology for Primary Care Physician, Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
    Kandidat Pascasarjana untuk Dermatologi Diploma, Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
  • It was like Dustin Hoffman in "The Graduate," right, when he said "plastics," whatever that means, plastics.
    Seperti Dustin Hoffman dalam film "The Graduate," saat dia berkata, "plastik," apapun artinya, plastik.
  • Prince Fumihito received a PhD degree in ornithology from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies in October 1996.
    Pangeran Fumihito mendapat gelar Ph.D. dalam ornitologi dari Universitas Pasca-sarjana untuk Studi Lanjutan pada Oktober 1996.
  • The GMAT is owned by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), and is administered in countries around the world.
    GMAT dimiliki oleh Dewan Penerimaan Manajemen Sarjana (GMAC), dan diadministrasi di negara seluruh dunia.
  • Postgraduate Candidate for the Graduate Certificate in Dermatology for Primary Care Physician, Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
    Kandidat Pascasarjana untuk Sertifikat Pascasarjana dalam Dermatologi untuk Karir Utama, Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
  • The Graduate School of Business Administration offers 1 Master's program and 2 certificate courses and a part-time MBA program.
    Program Pascasarjana Administrasi Bisnis menawarkan 1 program Master dan 2 program sertifikat dan paruh waktu program MBA.
  • ICT Sustainability (COMP7310), in the Graduate Studies Select program, Australian National University (first run July 2009), and
    Hijau Teknologi Informasi Strategi (COMP7310), dalam program Pilih Pascasarjana, Universitas Nasional Australia (pertama kali menjalankan Juli 2009), dan
  • (2) The applicant can pledge that he or she will work in his or her own country after finishing the courses in the graduate school;
    (2) Berjanji akan bekerja di negara asalnya setelah lulus S2
  • Postgraduate Candidate for the Graduate Certificate in Dermatology for Primary Care Physician - Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
    Kandidat Pascasarjana untuk Sertifikat Pascasarjana dalam Dermatologi untuk Karir Utama - Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
  • And that means education of the lowest and the poorest, as well as at the graduate school level."
    Artinya pendidikan bagi mereka di tingkat bawah dan bagi mereka yang berada dalam kemiskinan, seperti juga pada level graduate school."
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