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there about artinya

there about artinya
  • Been staying there about a week
    Telah tinggal di sana sekitar seminggu
  • That was really lovely what you said in there about me.
    Sungguh menyenangkan sekali apa yang kau ceritakan disana tadi.
  • Well, how many were there? About 200 operational.
    Sekitar 200 operasional .
  • Been there about a year.
    Berada di sana sekitar satu tahun.
  • We got there about information from the Americans, after 11 September.
    Kami disana, untuk mendapatkan informasi dari Amerika, Setelah 11 September.
  • Over there, about 100 metres.
    Sebelah sana, sekitar 100 meter
  • But instead she died right there about two minutes before the ambulance arrived.
    Tapi dia mati 2 menit sebelum mobil ambulance tiba.
  • Bobby say anything in there about how we hunt these things?
    bobby mengatakan apapun disana tentang bagaimana kita memburu hantu ini ?
  • I go there about once a year to chill out for a month.
    Aku pergi ke sana sekitar sekali setahun bersantai selama sebulan.
  • The victim was shot there about three meters from where Parker fired.
    Korban ditembak di sini sekitar 3 meter dari tempat Parker menembak.
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