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time off artinya

time off artinya
  • I want to take time off to look around
    Saya ingin mengambil waktu untuk melihat-lihat
  • I'm alright. It's been a while since I had some time off.
    Kita tak pernah pergi bersama.
  • I know we agreed to take some time off.
    Aku tahu kita setuju untuk berlibur.
  • Yeah, maybe you just need to take some time off, recharge.
    Mungkin kau butuh libur. memulihkan dirimu.
  • Does the president not even get time off work?
    Apakah presiden bahkan tidak mendapatkan waktu libur kerja?
  • She's taking some time off before she starts a new job.
    Dia berlibur sejenak sebelum masuk kerja.
  • Mr. Fitz took time off for a family emergency.
    Pak Fitz mengambil cuti untuk keadaan darurat keluarga.
  • I just can't take time off my work right now.
    Aku hanya belum bisa mengambil cuti sekarang.
  • No. No, sir, I do not need any time off.
    Tidak, tidak, pak, aku tak mau istirahat.
  • Okay, either way, maybe we both needed that time off.
    Oke, bagaimanapun, mungkin kita berdua butuh istirahat.
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