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to a high artinya

to a high artinya
  • Have to go to a high tier to get the most out of your plan
    Harus melakukan upgrade demi mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari paket Anda
  • They traced it back to a Lester Bradovich who went to a high school in Dixon.
    Mereka melacak ke Bradovich Lester yang pergi ke sekolah tinggi di Dixon.
  • We've never given an award to a high school team during the college competition before.
    Kami tak pernah memberi penghargaan pada tim SMU sepanjang kompetisi tingkat universitas sebelumnya.
  • Together, these two factors have led to a high prominence of plastic pollution in the environment.
    Bersama-sama, kedua faktor inilah yang menyebabkan tingginya tingkat pencemaran plastik di lingkungan.
  • Conduct company activities to a high standard of ethics and integrity
    Menjalankan kegiatan perusahaan dengan standar etika yang tinggi dan bermartabat disertai dengan kejujuran dan integritas.
  • Geoffrey Green was educated at Shrewsbury School, where he played football to a high standard.
    Geoffrey Green dididik di Shrewsbury School, dimana ia bermain sepak bola untuk standar tinggi.
  • The large percentage of parkland contributes to a high urban tree canopy coverage of 35%.
    Jumlah taman di Distrik ini berkontribusi pada cakupan kanopi tinggi pohon perkotaan sebesar 35%.
  • 1.Apply to a high work platform, such as building, hall, bridge, viaduct, tunnel, etc.
    1.Apply ke platform kerja yang tinggi, seperti bangunan, gedung, jembatan, jembatan, terowongan, dll
  • All of our machines are constructed according to a high standard of reliability and hygiene.
    Semua mesin kami dibangun sesuai dengan standar keandalan dan kebersihan yang tinggi.
  • The radiating source is heated to a high temperature to enhance the radiation power of infrared.
    sumber radiasi dipanaskan sampai temperature tinggi untuk memperkuat daya radiasi inframerah.
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