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biochemist artinya

biochemist artinya
  • July 27 – Researchers at the University of Toronto led by biochemist Frederick Banting announce the discovery of the hormone insulin.
    1921 - Para peneliti di Universitas Toronto yang dipimpin biokimiawan Frederick Banting mengumumkan penemuan insulin hormon.
  • He worked with biochemist Evangelina Villegas for 35 years to develop a protein enriched form of maize in the 1970s.
    Ia bekerja dengan pakar biokimia Dr Evangelina Villegas selama 35 tahun untuk mengembangkan jagung dengan kandungan protein yang lebih tinggi.
  • Intelligent design advocate and biochemist Michael Behe proposed a development of Paley's watch analogy in which he argued in favour of intelligent design.
    Advokat perancangan cerdas Michael Behe mengusulkan pengembangan analogi jam Paley di mana ia berargumen mendukung perancangan cerdas.
  • So I first went to Copenhagen because I thought, well, maybe I could become a biochemist, but I discovered biochemistry was very boring.
    Pertama saya pergi ke Kopenhagen karena saya berpikir, saya bisa menjadi seorang ahli biokimia, tapi ternyata biokimia sangat membosankan.
  • Peter Walter (born 5 December 1954) is a German-American molecular biologist and biochemist and Professor at the University of California, San Francisco.
    Peter Walter (lahir 5 Desember 1954) adalah ahli biologi molekuler dan biokimia Jerman-Amerika Serikat serta profesor di Universitas California, San Francisco.
  • In 1956, Rodbell accepted a position as a research biochemist at the National Heart Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, in Bethesda, Maryland.
    Pada 1956, Rodbell menerima kedudukan sebagai biokimiawan peneliti di Lembaga Jantung Nasional, bagian Lembaga Kesehatan Nasional di Bethesda, Maryland.
  • Use this platform to create a website for your biochemist business. Dazzle your customers with a slick presentation, courtesy of Blackbell.
    Gunakan platform ini untuk membuat situs web untuk bisnis ahli biokimia Anda. Dazzle pelanggan Anda dengan presentasi yang apik , milik Blackbell .
  • Mónica Haydée Fein (born June 3, 1957) is an Argentine biochemist and Socialist Party politician elected Mayor of Rosario in 2011.
    Mónica Haydée Fein (kelahiran 3 Juni 1957) adalah seorang politikus Partai Sosialis dan pakar biokimia Argentina yang terpilih menjadi Wali kota Rosario pada 2011.
  • Pataky was born Elsa Lafuente Medianu in Madrid, Spain, the daughter of José Francisco Lafuente, a Spanish biochemist, and Cristina Medianu Pataky, a publicist of Romanian and Hungarian ancestry.
    Pataky lahir di Madrid, Spanyol, dari pasangan José Francisco Lafuente, biokimiawan Spanyol, dan Cristina Pataky Medianu, penerbit keturunan Rumania dan Hongaria.
  • Michelle Kary, is a Medical Biochemist, a Registered Nutritionist and former Dieters. She is a FITNESS blogger and a social media embracer.You can reach her @
    karya Mitchell, adalah ahli biokimia Medis, a Gizi Terdaftar dan mantan Diet. Dia adalah blogger FITNESS dan media sosial embracer.You dapat menghubunginya @
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