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charter artinya

charter artinya
  • Why would she charter a piece of shit like this?
    Mengapa dia menyewa kapal rongsokan seperti itu?
  • Charter Communications had 1 million customers in 1998.
    Charter Communications memiliki 1 Juta pelanggan pada tahun 1998.
  • Its charter was signed by the FAO and the UNDP.
    Piagam pendiriannya ditandatangani oleh FAO dan UNDP.
  • Horrified, Selby returns to Ohio on a charter bus.
    Merasa ngeri, Selby kembali ke Ohio dengan bis.
  • NAC Operations is the flight operations and charter division.
    Piagam NAC adalah operasi penerbangan dan divisi piagam.
  • From January 2007 international cargo charter services were introduced.
    Dari Januari 2007, layanan carter kargo internasional diperkenalkan.
  • Technicolor, Inc. was chartered in Delaware in 1921.
    Technicolor, Inc. tercarter di Delaware pada 1921.
  • Tankers will be chartered and operated by Sovcomflot.
    Kapal-kapal tanker tersebut akan disewa dan dioperasikan oleh Sovcomflot.
  • The airline started with charter operations across Europe.
    MAskapai ini memulai operasi penerbangan charter di seluruh Eropa.
  • Charter flights and third party maintenance are also operated.
    Penerbangan sewaan dan perawatan pihak ketiga juga dioperasikan.
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