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graduate from artinya

graduate from artinya
  • One more time. According to your resume, it took you six years to graduate from college.
    Oh, oh, maafkan aku, bisakah kau mengulangnya, tolong?
  • Tan is a graduate from Temasek Polytechnic, where he studied Visual Communications.
    Tan adalah seorang lulusan dari Temasek Polytechnic, dimana ia belajar Komunikasi Visual.
  • – bachelor graduate from the fields of Information Technology or Computer Engineering
    – lulusan S1 Teknik Informatika atau Teknik Komputer
  • Mike was the youngest student in his class to graduate from college.
    Mike murid termuda di kelasnya lulus dari perguruan tinggi.
  • I think my father would've enjoyed seeing me graduate from law school.
    Saya pikir ayah saya pasti sudah menikmati melihat saya lulus dari sekolah hukum.
  • Yeah, but you couldn't because you didn't graduate from 5th grade.
    Ya , tetapi Anda tidak bisa karena Anda tidak lulus dari kelas 5 .
  • Such students can graduate from their home district without ever leaving home.
    Sebagai contoh siswa dapat lulus dari daerah mereka sendiri tanpa meninggalkan daerah mereka sendiri.
  • Maybe one day you'll be able to see your granddaughter graduate from high school.
    Mungkin suatu hari Anda akan dapat melihat lulusan cucu Anda dari sekolah tinggi.
  • That is, before you graduate from high school you will undergo a pause period on the serial.
    Artinya, sebelum Anda lulus dari sekolah tinggi Jeda waktu seri
  • A social drama about two men who have failed to graduate from college.
    Sebuah drama sosial tentang dua orang yang telah gagal untuk lulus dari perguruan tinggi.
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