Masuk Daftar

have to artinya

have to artinya
  • I said, "Dude, you have to use the code!"
    Saya bilang, "Solomon, kamu harus menggunakan sandinya!"
  • And then we had to make a lot of them.
    Lalu kita membuatnya dalam jumlah banyak.
  • What you have to say is also very short,
    Yang harus Anda katakan juga sangat pendek,
  • You might have to stay around a little longer.
    Kau mungkin harus tinggal sedikit lebih lama.
  • Then when exactly do I have to hide until?
    Lalu sampai kapan sebenarnya aku harus bersembunyi?
  • What is the favor that you have to ask of me?
    Kau ingin minta tolong apa?
  • We have to catch it before we open tomorrow.
    Kita harus menangkapnya sebelum kita buka besok.
  • There's someplace I have to go with you, Maiden.
    Kau harus ikut denganku ke suatu tempat.
  • Why do I have to do such things?
    Mengapa aku harus melakukan hal yang ekstrim begini?
  • Is this... the price I have to pay for my sins?
    Apakah ini... hukuman atas dosa-dosaku?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5