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intelligent design artinya

intelligent design artinya
  • The authoritative description of intelligent design, however, explicitly states that the Universe displays features of having been designed.
    Walau demikian, menurut penjelasan otoriter perancangan cerdas, dinyatakan secara eksplisit bahwa Alam semesta menunjukkan ciri-ciri bahwa ia dirancang.
  • The term Darwinism is often used by intelligent design proponents and other creationists to refer to the scientific consensus on evolution.
    Istilah Darwinisme sering digunakan oleh para pendukung Perancangan cerdas dalam merujuk kepada konsensus ilmiah mengenai evolusi.
  • Our vast range of labelling equipment is notable for its intelligent design, catering to all types of applications and products.
    Berbagai macam peralatan pelabelan kami terkenal karena desainnya yang cerdas, cocok untuk semua jenis penggunaan dan produk.
  • On the one hand, they criticized the evidence for there being evidence of an intelligent design to nature and the logic of the Stoics.
    Di satu sisi mereka mengkritik bukti adanya bukti perancangan cerdas di alam, dan logika Stoics.
  • Beckwith has defended the pro-life position on abortion and the constitutional permissibility of the teaching of intelligent design in public schools.
    Beckwith dikenal sebagai pembela posisi pro-kehidupan terkait aborsi dan pembolehan konstitusional atas pengajaran rancangan cerdas di sekolah-sekolah negeri.
  • Jay Wesley Richards is an American analytic philosopher and intelligent design and free market advocate, and a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute.
    Jay Wesley Richards adalah seorang filsuf analitik dan pendukung intelligent design yang berasal dari Amerika Serikat.
  • Intelligent design advocate and biochemist Michael Behe proposed a development of Paley's watch analogy in which he argued in favour of intelligent design.
    Advokat perancangan cerdas Michael Behe mengusulkan pengembangan analogi jam Paley di mana ia berargumen mendukung perancangan cerdas.
  • Intelligent design advocate and biochemist Michael Behe proposed a development of Paley's watch analogy in which he argued in favour of intelligent design.
    Advokat perancangan cerdas Michael Behe mengusulkan pengembangan analogi jam Paley di mana ia berargumen mendukung perancangan cerdas.
  • The letter was sent prior to the Kansas evolution hearings as an argument against the teaching of intelligent design in biology classes.
    Surat ini dikirimkan sebelum acara dengar pendapat sebagai argumen menentang pengajaran perancangan cerdas dalam pelajaran Biologi di kelas.
  • John Corrigan "Jonathan" Wells (born 1942) is an American biologist, author, and advocate of the pseudoscientific argument of intelligent design.
    John Corrigan "Jonathan" Wells (lahir tahun 1942) adalah seorang sarjana biologi molekuler, pengarang, pendukung Perancangan cerdas yang berasal dari Amerika Serikat.
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