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school day artinya

school day artinya
  • It's just a school day.
    Ini hanya hari sekolah.
  • January 30 school day of nonviolence and peace
    Januari sekolah 30 tanpa kekerasan dan keamanan
  • January 30 school day of nonviolence and peace
    Januari 30 hari sekolah antikekerasan dan perdamaian
  • Minimum study period – 5 school days
    Masa studi minimum - 5 hari sekolah
  • All men during their school days, they get into one or two fights.
    Semua orang selama sekolah, mereka masuk kedalam satu atau dua perkelahian.
  • Well, technically, he has until the end of school day to vacate school grounds.
    Teknisnya, dia ada waktu sampai pulang sekolah untuk meninggalkan sekolah.
  • Today is the last day off before the school day.
    Hari ini adalah hari terakhir sebelum hari sekolah. Meme it
  • And I want it on my desk by the end of the school day on Friday.
    Dan aku ingin di meja-ku sepulang sekolah hari Jumat.
  • An estimated 22–189 million school days are missed annually due to a cold.
    Sekira 22 juta hingga 189 juta hari terbuang setiap tahunnya karena pilek.
  • ? My Lovely School Days Stickers Set Darkify Theme (Android) ?
    ? Stiker indah hari sekolah saya mengatur Darkify tema (Android) ?
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