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the graduate artinya

the graduate artinya
  • Bigelow entered the graduate film program at Columbia University, where she studied theory and criticism and earned her master's degree.
    Bigelow masuk program magister film di Universitas Columbia, tempatnya belajar teori dan kritik dan lulus dengan gelar magister.
  • Annan studied economics at Macalester College, international relations at the Graduate Institute Geneva, and management at MIT.
    Annan lahir di Kumasi dan mendalami ilmu ekonomi di Macalester College, hubungan internasional di Graduate Institute Geneva, dan manajemen di MIT.
  • He is a member of the Korea Baptist Convention Hwang earned his LL.M. in 2006 from the Graduate School of Law at Sungkyunkwan University.
    Hwang meraih gelar LL.M. pada tahun 2006 dari Sekolah Pascasarjana Hukum di Universitas Sungkyunkwan.
  • – Lecture on Japanese traditional performing arts by Mr. Yuichi Kinoshita co-organized by the graduate school of ISI Yogyakarta
    – menggelar ceramah mengenai seni pertunjukan tradisional Jepang oleh bapak Yuichi Kinoshita atas kerjasama dengan pascasarjana ISI Yogyakarta
  • This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music... and a total misreading of the movie The Graduate.
    Keyakinan ini berasal dari awal paparan musik pop Inggris sedih ... dan total salah baca dari film The Graduate.
  • No criminal record, but a year before he was murdered, he was disciplined by the graduate school program he was attending.
    Tidak ada catatan kriminal, tapi setahun sebelum dia dibunuh,... ia ditegur oleh program sekolah pascasarjana yang ia ikuti.
  • The concept of the MILF predates the term, as exemplified by Mrs. Robinson in the movie The Graduate (1967).
    Konsep MILF mendahului istilahnya itu sendiri, seperti yang dicontohkan oleh Nyonya Robinson dalam film komedi klasik tahun 1967, The Graduate.
  • He became assistant professor of physics in 1911, full professor in 1918, and then dean of the graduate school in 1931.
    Ia menjadi asisten profesor fisika pada 1911, profesor penuh pada 1918, dan kemudian kepala sekolah kelulusan pada 1931.
  • The UCLA Anderson School of Management is the graduate business school at the University of California, Los Angeles, one of eleven professional schools.
    Sekolah Manajemen Anderson UCLA adalah salah satu dari sebelas sekolah profesional di Universitas California, Los Angeles.
  • All ten faculties and departments provide teaching and supervision for research (MPhil and PhD) students with administration undertaken by the Graduate School.
    Semua 10 fakultas dan jurusan yang memberikan pengajaran dan pengawasan untuk siswa penelitian (MPhil dan PhD) diadministrasi oleh Sekolah Pascasarjana.
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