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alternative rock artinya

alternative rock artinya
  • Barker established himself as a versatile drummer, producing and making guest appearances in music projects of numerous music genres including hip hop, alternative rock, pop and country.
    Barker telah sejak membuktikan dirinya sebagai drummer yang sangat sukses, memproduksi dan membuat "remix" drum dari berbagai genre musik seperti hip-hop, rock alternatif, pop dan country.
  • Muse are an English alternative rock band formed in Teignmouth, Devon by Matthew Bellamy (lead vocals, guitars, piano), Christopher Wolstenholme (bass, backing vocals) and Dominic Howard (drums, percussion).
    Muse adalah band rock alternatif Inggris dibentuk di kota Teignmouth, Devon oleh Matthew Bellamy (vokal, gitar, piano), Chris Wolstenholme (bass, backing vocal) dan Dominic Howard (drum, perkusi).
  • The danceable tunes are nearly non-existent except "Balhaereul Ggumggumyeo" (??? ???, "Dreaming of Balhae"), an alternative rock song which indicates a hope of reuniting North and South Korea.
    Lagu-lagu yang berirama-dansa hampir tidak ada kecuali "Balhaereul Ggumggumyeo" (??? ???, "Dreaming of Balhae"), sebuah lagu rock alternatif yang menunjukkan harapan untuk menyatukan Korea Utara dan Korea Selatan.
  • Previously, she was in a relationship with alternative rock and anti-folk musician Steven Mertens, who produced her debut album, Lana Del Ray, before it was re-recorded by David Kahne.
    Sebelumnya, dia menjalin hubungan dengan musisi rock alternatif dan anti-folk Steven Mertens, yang memproduksi album debutnya, Lana Del Ray, sebelum album ini direkam ulang oleh David Kahne.
  • Director Catherine Hardwicke revealed in an interview with MTV that a song by alternative rock band Muse, later revealed to be "Supermassive Black Hole", would be included on the film's soundtrack.
    Sutradara Catherine Hardwicke mengungkapkan dalam sebuah wawancara dengan MTV bahwa sebuah lagu dari band rock alternatif Muse, "Supermassive Black Hole", akan dimasukkan pada soundtrack film.
  • The Presidents of the United States of America (occasionally referred to as PUSA, The Presidents or Pot USA) were an American alternative rock power trio band.
    The Presidents of the United States of America, terkadang disebut sebagai PUSA, The Presidents atau Pot USA, adalah sebuah band rock alternatif Amerika yang menjadi nonimasi Grammy sebanyak dua kali.
  • The Black Holes and Revelations Tour was a worldwide concert tour by English alternative rock band Muse in support of their fourth studio album Black Holes and Revelations.
    Black Holes & Revelations Tour di seluruh dunia adalah tur konser oleh band asal Inggris beraliran rock alternatif, Muse untuk mendukung album studio keempat mereka Black Holes & Revelations.
  • In August 2004 he temporarily joined alternative rock band Muse at the V Festival, filling in for bassist Christopher Wolstenholme who had broken his wrist playing football.
    Pada bulan Agustus 2004 ia sementara ini bergabung dengan band rock alternatif, Muse di Festival V , untuk mengantikan sementara sang bassis Christopher Wolstenholme yang patah pergelangannya saat bermain sepak bola.
  • They would become extremely influential on the evolution of alternative rock with their two studio albums Isn't Anything (1988) and Loveless (1991), both of which pioneered a subgenre known as shoegazing.
    Mereka sangat mempengaruhi evolusi rock alternatif dengan dua album studio mereka Isn't Anything (1988) dan Loveless (1991), keduanya mempionirkan sebuah subgenre yang dikenal sebagai shoegazing. ^ "Shoegaze | Significant Albums, Artists and Songs".
  • Grohl said in 2005, "I love being in a rock band, but I don't know if I necessarily wanna be in an alternative rock band from the 1990s for the rest of my life."
    "Grohl mengatakan pada tahun 2005," saya suka berada di sebuah band rock, tetapi saya tidak tahu apakah saya selalu ingin berada di sebuah band rock alternatif dari tahun 1990-an selama sisa hidup saya.
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