delivery truck artinya
- DABEX has been designed to be pumpable using bulk delivery truck and can be loaded through a flexible loading hose lowered to the bottom of the blast hole.
DABEX dirancang untuk dipompa menggunakan bulk delivery truck dan dapat dimuat melalui flexible loading hose yang dapat diturunkan ke bagian dasar lubang ledakan. - After the end of the season the weather Moto delivery in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Yekaterinburg equipment will be sent to the Southern Federal District, where the delivery truck season is twice longer than in the rest of Russia.
Setelah akhir musim cuaca pengiriman Moto di Moskow, St Petersburg, Kazan dan peralatan Yekaterinburg akan dikirim ke Distrik Federal Southern, di mana musim truk pengiriman dua kali lebih lama daripada di seluruh Rusia. - And if only one thing had happened differently, if that shoelace hadn't broken or that delivery truck had moved moments earlier or that package had been wrapped and ready because the girl hadn't broken up with her boyfriend,
Dan jika satu hal saja berbeda kejadiannya, Jika tali sepatu tidak putus, atau truk pengiriman telah bergerak sesaat lebih dulu, atau paket telah terbungkus dan siap karena gadis tadi tidak putus cinta dengan kekasihnya, atau lelaki tadi telah mengeset alarmnya dan bangun lima menit lebih awal
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