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development artinya

development artinya
  • Development and Reform of Higher Education in China.
    Reformasi dan reorientasi pendidikan tinggi hukum di Indonesia.
  • A planned sequel was in development in 2012.
    Rencana produksi Sequel lanjutan dikembangkan pada tahun 2012.
  • He also funded the development of Sentul International Circuit.
    Ia juga mendanai pembangunan Sirkuit Internasional Sentul.
  • Turbojet History and Development 1930-1960 vol.2 (1st ed.).
    Turbojet History and Development 1930-1960 vol.2 (edisi ke-1st).
  • Turbojet History and Development 1930-1960 vol.1 (1st ed.).
    Turbojet History and Development 1930-1960 vol.1 (edisi ke-1st).
  • Both theists and atheists have criticized this development.
    Kedua teis dan ateis telah mengkritik pengembangan ini.
  • Such developments have themselves been criticised, and debate continues.
    Laporan ini kontroversial, dan perdebatan terus berlanjut.
  • It also covers the history of nuclear weapons development.
    Mereka juga mengarah pada pengembangan senjata nuklir.
  • The development of cities was synonymous with the rise of civilization.
    Perkembangan kota-kota berarti kemunculan peradaban.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5