hmas artinya
- On 27 January, Yūgiri and her convoy were attacked by the destroyers HMS Thanet and HMAS Vampire approximately 80 nautical miles (148 km) north of Singapore in the Battle off Endau, and her torpedoes are credited with helping sink Thanet.
Pada 27 Januari, konvoi Asagiri diserang oleh kapal perusak HMS Thanet dan HMAS Vampire sekitar 80 mil laut (148 km) arah utara dari Singapura dalam Pertempuran Endau, dan torpedonya membantu mengaramkan Thanet. - HMAS Moresby (formerly HMS Silvio) was a 24-class (also known as Racehorse class) "Fleet Sweeping" sloop that served in the Royal Navy (RN) and Royal Australian Navy (RAN) as a minesweeper, anti-submarine vessel, and survey ship.
HMAS Moresby (sebelumnya HMS Silvio) adalah sebuah kapal jaga "Armada Besar" kelas 24 (dikenal juga sebagai kelas Racehorse) yang bertugas dalam Angkatan Laut Kerajaan dan Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Australia sebagai penyapu ranjau, kapal anti-kapal selam, dan kapal survey. - The headquarters of many Australian Public Service agencies are located in Canberra, and Canberra is also host to several Australian Defence Force establishments, most notably the Australian Defence Force headquarters and HMAS Harman, which is a naval communications centre that is being converted into a tri-service, multi-user depot.
Canberra juga menjadi tempat berdirinya beberapa divisi Australian Defence Force, termasuk markas Australian Defence Force dan HMAS Harman, pusat komunikasi AL yang diubah menjadi pusat multipengguna. - This led among other things to the procurement of British Oberon-class submarines, selected by Burrell when his original preference for an Australian-built craft proved too expensive, as well as Ton-class minesweepers and the Navy's first purpose-designed hydrographic survey ship, HMAS Moresby.
Hal ini disebabkan untuk mendukung British Oberon-classsubmarine kelas-Oberon s, Burrell menentukan beberapa hal yang terbukti kapal-kapal pilihannya sangat mahal, seperti Ton-classminesweeper kelas-Ton s dan kapal yang didisain untuk hydrographic survey yaitu kapal HMAS Moresby. - On 27 February, Hatsuyuki was assigned to "Operation J", covering landings of Japanese forces in western Java in the Netherlands East Indies, and was in the Battle of Sunda Strait on 1 March, assisting in the sinking of the Australian cruiser HMAS Perth and the American cruiser USS Houston.
27 Februari, Hatsuyuki ditugaskan ke "Operasi J", yaitu pendaratan pasukan Jepang di Jawa Barat, Hindia Belanda dan juga berpartisipasi dalam Pertempuran Selat Sunda pada 1 Maret, membantu mengkaramkan penjelajah Australia HMAS Perth dan penjelajah Amerika USS Houston.
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