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lake artinya

lake artinya
  • Lake Manitoc -- the kid in the lake.
    Lake Manitoc -- anak yang di danau itu.
  • Cross Lake isn't even connected to Lake Victoria.
    Danau Cross bahkan tidak terhubung dengan Danau Victoria
  • Cross Lake isn't even connected to Lake Victoria.
    Danau Cross bahkan tidak terhubung dengan Danau Victoria
  • "that's how most people around the lake reacted
    "Itulah reaksi kebanyakan orang di sekitar danau ini..."
  • Based on the suspect Edgeworth's testimony the lake was searched
    Berdasarkan kesaksian tersangka Mitsurugi. Danau digeledah.
  • After we dump Klaus' body in the lake.
    setelah kami membuang tubuh Klaus ke laut Atlantik.
  • When you first appeared in this timeline, it was at Reiden Lake.
    berada di danau Reiden.
  • The girls were at your lake house last night.
    Mereka berada di rumah danaumu kemarin malam.
  • All right, guys, down there, that's Lake Wipissing.
    Baik,kalian lihat di bawah sana.. Itu danau Wipissing..
  • How did you get the car out of the lake?
    Bagaimana kau mengeluarkan mobilnya dari danau?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5