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school day artinya

school day artinya
  • Oh. Had a little run-in with him during your Hot Tub High School days, did you? Huh?
    Itu tidak terlalu bagus, dengan siksaan... dan hukuman abadi.
  • ? Desert v.1.1 Theme (Android) My Lovely School Days Stickers Set ?
    ? Gurun v.1.1 tema (Android) Stiker indah hari sekolah saya mengatur ?
  • This patient is suffering from a tattoo he had just for fun in his school days.
    Pasien ini menderita tato dia hanya untuk bersenang-senang di hari sekolahnya.
  • I'm unemployed, I will stand at the door to this school day and night
    Aku pengangguran jadi aku bisa berdiri di depan pintu ini siang dan malam.
  • That's 110 school days from now, but it's not just about those test scores.
    110 hari belajar sekolah dari sekarang akan tetapi ini bukan cuma perkara nilai ujian.
  • In his high school days, Sihanouk played soccer, basketball, volleyball, and also took up horse riding.
    Pada masa SMA-nya, Sihanouk bermain sepak bola, basket, voli, dan juga berkuda.
  • She couldn't extend the school day, effectively evaluate her teacherst or alter the terms of tenure.
    Dia tidak bisa memperpanjang hari sekolah, efektif mengevaluasi guru-gurunya atau mengubah ketentuan masa.
  • It was fun! Working at such a high location reminded me of my elementary school days.
    Menyenangkan! Pengambilan gambar di tempat tinggi mengingatkan saya pada masa-masa SD.
  • I'm instating a new policy whereby quite loudly, throughout the entire school day.
    Aku instating sebuah kebijakan baru dimana kamibermainHitMadonnaTerbesar selama P.A. yang sistem, cukup keras, seluruh sepanjang hari sekolah.
  • How many periods are there in a normal school day and the duration of each period?
    Berapa banyak periode yang ada di hari sekolah normal dan durasi setiap periode?
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