Masuk Daftar

six of artinya

six of artinya
  • We're gonna bunk together, all six of us?
    Kita akan tidur bersama? Kita ber-enam?
  • There's six of us, and that's it.
    Ada enam dari kami, dan hanya itu.
  • And yet he got away from six of our agents.
    Tapi dia berhasil lolos dari 6 agen kita.
  • Well, there are six of us, four are out on assignment.
    6 anggota, 4 dari kita sedang bertugas.
  • I identified the insignia of six of the best German divisions.
    Aku mengenali lambang enam divisi terbaik Jerman.
  • Only six of them have survived intact to the present day.
    Enam di antaranya masih hidup sampai sekarang.
  • Five out of six of us live in the developing world.
    Lima dari enam orang tinggal di negara berkembang.
  • Now, there were five or six of them
    Mereka ada berlima atau berenam
  • Αnd six of them walk up to me!
    apalagi enam dari mereka !
  • Lex, we only have six of those!
    Lex, kita hanya ada enam itu!
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5