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the graduate artinya

the graduate artinya
  • Anas continued his education in the Graduate School at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta and obtained his master's degree in political science in 2000.
    Anas melanjutkan pendidikannya di Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia dan meraih gelar master bidang ilmu politik pada 2000.
  • A11 DHU has clubs for students that are approved by the university. There are also clubs that operate simultaneously with the graduate school.
    A11 Terdapat berbagai kegiatan ekstrakulikuler yang diakui oleh universitas. Terdapat pula kegiatan ekstrakulikuler gabungan dengan mahasiswa program pasca sarjana.
  • The dress in the Empire style with its drapery of flowing fabrics will give the image of the graduate a feeling of lightness and weightlessness.
    Gaun dalam gaya Empire dengan kordennya dari kain yang mengalir akan memberikan citra lulusannya perasaan ringan dan tanpa bobot.
  • Fred Kaplan (born 1937) is distinguished Professor Emeritus of English at Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
    Fred Kaplan (kelahiran 1937) adalah Profesor Emeritus Kesusastraan Inggris di Queens College dan Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
  • Based on personal experience, I expect an average mathematician to have decent knowledge of between 5% and 15% of topics on the graduate course level
    Berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, saya mengharapkan seorang matematikawan rata-rata memiliki pengetahuan yang layak antara 5% dan 15% dari topik di tingkat pascasarjana
  • The latest High Fliers report, The Graduate Market in 2018, has ranked Leeds in the top 10 most targeted universities in the UK by graduate recruiters.
    Laporan High Fliers terbaru, Pascasarjana Pasar di 2018, memiliki peringkat Leeds di 10 universitas paling ditargetkan di Inggris oleh perekrut lulusan.
  • In 2002, he made his Broadway debut in the stage version of The Graduate, succeeding Jason Biggs, opposite Kathleen Turner and Alicia Silverstone.
    Tahun 2002, ia tampil perdana di teater Broadway dalam adaptasi panggung The Graduate, menggantikan Jason Biggs, dan naik panggung bersama Kathleen Turner dan Alicia Silverstone.
  • U.S. News & World Report currently ranks the graduate program as tied for 1st with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and University of California, Berkeley.
    U.S. News & World Report sekarang memeringkatkan program kelulusan tersebut bersanding dengan Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, dan University of California, Berkeley.
  • Siguresson worked on monitoring and research of the volcanoes of the Caribbean until 1974, when he was appointed professor at the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island.
    Ia mengamati dan meneliti gunung berapi di Karibia sampai tahun 1974, ketika ia ditunjuk sebagai profesor di Universitas Rhode Island.
  • Saying goodbye to the school, one of the most important issues after the choice of a specialty, the choice of the perfect evening dress, comes up to the graduate.
    Mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada sekolah, salah satu masalah terpenting setelah memilih spesialisasi, pilihan gaun malam yang sempurna, muncul hingga lulus.
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