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dapur bahasa Inggris

dapur artinya
  • In the kitchen eating cereal for five minutes.
    Di dapur makan sereal selama lima menit .
  • I walkedinto the kitchen to getmyself apiece of cake.
    Aku walkedinto dapur untuk getmyself masing-masing kue.
  • They forced me to be a hook,I'm so tragic£®
    Kecoa ada Tidak di kamar mandi Dapur
  • There's a kitchen here... a TV... a bathroom... a bed too.
    Ada dapur... TV... Kamar mandi
  • We can finallу put the addition on the kitchen.
    Kita akhirnya dapat meletakkan tambahan di dapur.
  • I think they have another crate in the galley.
    Saya pikir mereka peti lagi di dapur.
  • You did. In your kitchen during your hypoglycemic rant.
    kamu. saat di dapur saat kamu bergumam.
  • Uh,katie,could you put these in the kitchen,please?
    Uh, Katie, bisakah kamu membawa ini kedalam dapur, tolong?
  • No, not in the kitchen. Are you mad?
    Tidak, bukan di dapur, apa kamu sudah gila?
  • That stackhouse girl hasn't come out of the kitchen.
    Gadis Stackhouse itu belum keluar dari dapur.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5