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gantung bahasa Inggris

gantung artinya
  • I got a butt-load. We hang them up all over the place.
    Kita gantung diseluruh tempat.
  • God wants you to hang yourself with it."
    Tuhan ingin kalian gantung diri dengan tali itu."
  • Guess they run out of hanging rope in Oklahoma.
    Kurasa mereka kehabisan Tali gantung di Oklahoma.
  • Didn't I ask you to hang this for me?
    Bukannya sudah ibu minta kau gantung ini?
  • He hung the glass in his ballroom in Atlanta.
    Dia gantung cerminnya di ruangannya di Atlanta.
  • Now, I'll drag you tied to a bamboo, soldier
    Sekarang,akuakanmenyeretmu dan mengikatmu di tali gantung, Tentera
  • I tried to hang myself with my favorite tie.
    Aku mencoba gantung diri dengan dasi favoritku.
  • So, you will think that hanging yourself is troublesome.
    Jadi, kau pikir gantung diri itu merepotkan.
  • I hope this subversive was strung up for treason.
    Semoga pemberontak ini dihukum gantung karena berkhianat.
  • As a result, he was hanged by Hizir Pasha.
    Akibatnya, ia dihukum gantung oleh Hizir Pasha.
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