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intelligent design bahasa Inggris

intelligent design artinya
  • At the "Sources of Information Content in DNA" conference in 1988, he said that his intelligent cause view was compatible with both metaphysical naturalism and supernaturalism.
    Pada konferensi Sources of Information Content in DNA tahun 1988, ia mengatakan bahwa pandangan penyebab intelijennya sesuai dengan naturalisme metafisik dan supranaturalisme, istilah intelligent design ("perancangan cerdas") pun muncul.
  • Beckwith is a former fellow at the Discovery Institute, the "hub of the intelligent design movement," and a former member of the advisory board for the Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness Center.
    Beckwith adalah seorang mantan fellow di Discovery Institute, "pusat dari gerakan perancangan cerdas," dan seorang mantan anggota dewan penasihat untuk Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness Center.
  • The case decision went against teaching creation science in public schools, and the authors then altered all references to creationism to refer to intelligent design before the book was published in 1989.
    Pengadilan memutuskan melarang pengajaran sains penciptaan di sekolah-sekolah publik, dan para penulis mengubah semua rujukan kepada kreasionisme menjadi intelligent design ("perancangan cerdas") sebelum buku itu diterbitkan pada tahun 1989.
  • Guillermo Gonzalez (born 1963 in Havana, Cuba) is an astrophysicist, a proponent of the principle of intelligent design, and an assistant professor at Ball State University, a public research university, in Muncie, Indiana.
    Guillermo Gonzalez (lahir tahun 1963 di Havana, Kuba) adalah seorang ahli Astrofisika, pendukung intelligent design, dan assistant professor pada Ball State University, suatu universitas riset publik, di Muncie, Indiana.
  • Neo-creationism currently exists in the form of the intelligent design movement, which has a 'big tent' strategy making it inclusive of many Young Earth creationists (such as Paul Nelson and Percival Davis).
    Neo-kreasionis dapat tergolong Kreasionisme Bumi Muda maupun Bumi Tua, saat ini ada dalam bentuk gerakan intelligent design ("Perancangan cerdas"), dengan mengikutkan sejumlah pengikut Bumi Muda seperti Paul Nelson dan Percival Davis.
  • This has led some young Earth creationists to criticize other creationist proposals such as intelligent design, for not taking a strong stand on the age of the Earth, special creation, or even the identity of the designer.
    Hal ini menyebabkan sejumlah pendukung mengkritik proposal kreasionisme seperti intelligent design ("perancangan cerdas"), karena tidak bersikap tegas terhadap usia bumi, penciptaan khusus dan identitas sang perancang (atau Pencipta).
  • The CSC lobbies for the inclusion of creationism in the form of intelligent design (ID) in public-school science curricula as an explanation for the origins of life and the universe while casting doubt on the theory of evolution.
    CSC melobi masuknya kreasionisme dalam bentuk intelligent design (ID) di kurikulum ilmiah sekolah publik sebagai penjelasan asal mula kehidupan dan alam semesta sementara membangkitkan keraguan atas teori evolusi.
  • The book included contributions from intelligent design advocates William A. Dembski, Jonathan Wells and Michael Behe as well as from Hindu creationists Leif A. Jensen and Michael Cremo.
    Buku tersebut meliputi kontribusi dari para advokat perancangan cerdas William A. Dembski, Jonathan Wells dan Michael Behe serta dari kreasionis Hindu Leif A. Jensen and Michael Cremo. ^ a b "Top Questions-1.What is the theory of intelligent design?".
  • Behe has testified in several court cases related to intelligent design, including the court case Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District that resulted in a ruling that intelligent design was not science and was religious in nature.
    Behe memberikan kesaksian ahli pada beberapa kasus pengadilan yang berhubungan dengan intelligent design, termasuk kasus pengadilan Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District yang menghasilkan keputusan bahwa intelligent design bersifat agamawi.
  • Behe has testified in several court cases related to intelligent design, including the court case Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District that resulted in a ruling that intelligent design was not science and was religious in nature.
    Behe memberikan kesaksian ahli pada beberapa kasus pengadilan yang berhubungan dengan intelligent design, termasuk kasus pengadilan Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District yang menghasilkan keputusan bahwa intelligent design bersifat agamawi.
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