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malcolm x bahasa Inggris

malcolm x artinya
  • Besides his skill as a speaker, Malcolm X had an impressive physical presence.
    Selain keahliannya sebagai pembicara, Malcolm X memiliki postur fisik yang mengesankan.
  • She meets Malcolm X and is struck by his good looks and magnetism.
    Dia bertemu Malcolm X dan terpukau oleh ketampanan dan daya pikatnya.
  • -Civil Rights Leaders Dr. Martin Luther King & Malcolm X
    -Hak Sipil Pemimpin Dr Martin Luther King & Malcolm X
  • On March 8, 1964, Malcolm X announced his departure from the Nation of Islam.
    Pada tanggal 8 Maret 1964, Malcolm X mengumumkan keluar dari Nation of Islam.
  • After returning to the U.S., Malcolm X addressed a wide variety of audiences.
    Setelah meninggalkan Nation of Islam, Malcolm X berbicara di hadapan berbagai khalayak di Amerika Serikat.
  • Inside the station, Malcolm X and an attorney were making bail arrangements for two of the Muslims.
    Di dalam, Malcolm X dan pengacara membuat jaminan pengaturan untuk dua Muslim.
  • During 1955, Malcolm X continued his successful recruitment of members on behalf of the Nation of Islam.
    Selama tahun 1955, Malcolm X melanjutkan upaya rekrutmen sukses atas nama organisasi.
  • He also befriended influential figures such as Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
    Ia juga bersahabat dengan tokoh-tokoh berpengaruh seperti Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, John Lennon, dan Yoko Ono.
  • But at the same time, since the days of Langston Hughes, Malcolm X, Zora Neale Hurston, Duke Ellington,
    Tapi di waktu yang sama, sejak masa Langston Hughes, Malcolm X, Zora Neale Hurston, Duke Ellington,
  • 21 February 1965 – Malcolm X. Assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam in New York City.
    1965 - Tokoh nasionalis Afrika-Amerika, Malcolm X dibunuh oleh anggota Nation of Islam di New York.
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