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pei bahasa Inggris

pei artinya
  • Pei himself refused to discuss it for many years.
    Pei menolak membahasnya selama bertahun-tahun.
  • Young Pei Fen goes from mainland China to Java.
    Young Pei Fen merantau dari daratan Cina ke Jawa.
  • Pei retired from full-time practice in 1990.
    Pei pensiun dari pekerjaan purnawaktu pada 1990.
  • Dell’Orefice later went on to compare Guo to Charles James.
    Dell’Orefice bahkan membandingkan Guo Pei dengan Charles James.
  • It was designed by the architect I.M. Pei.
    didesain oleh arsitek I.M. Pei.
  • The book belongs to Princess Pei Pei.
    Buku itu milik Putri Pei Pei.
  • The book belongs to Princess Pei Pei.
    Buku itu milik Putri Pei Pei.
  • Master Pei, the birdcage is on fire!
    Master Pei, sangkar burung yang terbakar!
  • Hmm who's N' Pei huh, E' Boy?
    Hmm N 'Pei ya, E' Boy?
  • Pei estimated that 90 percent of Parisians opposed his design.
    Pei memperkirakan bahwa 90 persen orang Paris menentang rancangannya.
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