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sama ada artinya
  • I don't know if he heard my prayer.
    Saya tak tahu sama ada doa itu dah dimakbulkan atau tidak.
  • But at the same time, there's just as powerful happiness.
    Tetapi pada saat yang sama, ada kebahagiaan yang sama kuatnya.
  • The target stays the same. The vector changes. We kidnap the Senator.
    targetnya masih sama ada perubahan kita menculik Senator.
  • Well, neither is a desiccated Silas in our living room.
    Ya. Sama ada mengawet Silas di ruang tamu rumah kita.
  • In the same context there is mention of the practice of indulgences.
    Dalam konteks yang sama ada disebutkan praktik indulgensi.
  • Are you working together?
    Apa kalian bekerja sama? Ada apa disini?
  • And, it's a toss up. Either "can't fit" or "too fuckin' stupid."
    Dan, ini undian sama ada "tak muat"atau "terlalu bodoh"
  • There was a co-creation, a huge co-creation, with vendors and suppliers.
    Ada kerja sama, ada banyak kerja sama dengan pemasok dan penjual.
  • Either you're genuinely clueless, or you're very good at keeping secrets.
    Sama ada kau memang keliru, atau kau memang pandai menyimpan rahsia.
  • I think you can either be friends with someone or in love with them.
    Aku fikir sama ada kau akan berkawan atau menyintainya.
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