sele bahasa Inggris
- It is shielded on the northeastern side by the Alburni Mountains and on the West looks at the plain of the Sele River and the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Hal ini terlindung di sisi timur laut oleh Pegunungan Alburni dan di Barat melihat dataran dari Sungai Sele dan Laut Tyrrhenian . - The rest of the municipal area is either flat or, between the Sele and Calore Lucano rivers to the north and Monte Soprano (1,082 m) to the south, hilly.
Sisa dari daerah kota adalah datar atau, antara Sele dan Lucano Calore sungai di utara dan Monte Soprano (1.082 m) di selatan, berbukit. - From his cousin William Thomas Eardley-Twisleton-Fiennes, 15th Baron Saye and Sele he inherited Belvedere, Erith, Kent and the Eardley estates in 1847 and changed his name from Smith to Eardley by royal licence.
Dari sepupunya William Thomas Eardley-Twisleton-Fiennes, 15th Baron Saye and Sele, ia mewarisi lahan Belvedere, Erith, Kent dan Eardley pada 1847 dan mengubah namanya dari Smith menjadi Eardley menurut lisensi kerajaan. ^ a b Wolffe (2004) Eardley, C. E. (1835).