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semanggi bahasa Inggris

semanggi artinya
  • Doesn't clover taste better than wool?
    Bukankah daun semanggi rasanya lebih enak daripada wol?
  • The village was flooded intentionally in 1959.
    Desa Semanggi itu terlaksana pada tahun 1959.
  • Holy water, clove leaf, silver shavings, white oak. The works.
    Air suci, Daun Semanggi, Serutan Perak, Kayu pohon oak.
  • God of the four-leaf clover, what does it mean to live?
    Allah dari empat daun semanggi, apa artinya hidup?
  • A four-leaf clover hidden in a cloverfield.
    Empat daun semanggi tersembunyi di Cloverfield.
  • Through the brush and in the clover.
    Melalui pertempuran dan dalam semanggi.
  • My heart was wrapped up in clover The night I looked at you
    Hatiku terbungkus semanggi di malam aku melihatmu
  • Please, god of the four-leaf clover!
    Silakan, dewa dari empat daun semanggi!
  • Originally from Europe, but now found worldwide.
    Semanggi gunung aslinya berasal dari Eropa dan kini dapat ditemui di seluruh dunia.
  • They actually eat grass, forage-- you know, clover, grass, herbs.
    Mereka benar-benar makan rumput, mencari-cari-- Anda tahu, semanggi, rumput, tumbuhan obat.
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