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caesar bahasa Inggris

caesar artinya
  • Caesar has forbidden you its utterance in perpetuity.
    Caesar telah lama melarang penyebutan kata itu.
  • I'll put in a good word for you with Caesar.
    Saya akan menjelaskannya kepada Caesar.
  • That's Caesar, come back to reconquer his kingdom.
    Caesar telah kembali untuk merebut kembali kerajaannya.
  • Caesar, forgive me, but I couldn't get here before now.
    Caesar, maafkan aku tidak bisa mencegahnya sekarang.
  • Looks like Caesar decided to make himself a sandwich.
    Kelihatannya Caesar mau bikin roti lapis.
  • Caesar had his legions, Napoleon had his armies
    Julius Caesar punya legiun, Napoleon punya tentara
  • I got it at the tables this morning at Caesar's.
    Aku mendapatkannya saat berada di meja Caesar.
  • This is the place where soon Caesar's Palace will be.
    Ini adalah tempat dimana Istana Caesar nantinya.
  • Do you know the television show Little Caesar?
    Apakah Anda tahu acara televisi Little Caesar?
  • And Anthony Bella, the guy that plays Nicky Caesar?
    Dan Anthony Bella, pemeran Nicky Caesar?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5