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kolese bahasa Inggris

kolese artinya
  • He earned his L.L.B. from Siddhartha Law College, Mumbai, in 1961.
    Ia meraih gelar L.L.B.-nya dari Kolese Hukum Siddhartha, Mumbai, pada 1961.
  • Several international Roman Colleges and Pontifical Universities are located in Rome.
    Beberapa Universitas Kepausan dan Kolese Roma berskala internasional terletak di Roma.
  • He studied at Loyola Public School and Loyola College in Vijayawada.
    Ia dididik di Sekolah Publik Loyola dan Kolese Loyola di Vijayawada.
  • Other tertiary institutions include Andong Science College and Catholic Sangji College.
    Institusi tersier lainnya termasuk Universitas Pendidikan Andong dan Kolese Sangji Katolik.
  • It provides speakers for colleges, universities, clubs, and the news media.
    Organisasi tersebut menyediakan jurubicara untuk kolese, universitas, klub dan media berita.
  • He graduated from Tokyo Commercial College (now Hitotsubashi University) in 1909.
    Ia lulus dari Kolese Komersial Tokyo (sekarang Universitas Hitotsubashi) pada 1909.
  • The college offers studies in Science, Liberal Arts, and Commerce.
    Kolese tersebut menawarkan studi dalam bidang Sains, Seni Rupa Liberal dan Perdagangan.
  • He graduated from Vidyasagar College.
    Ia lulus dari Kolese Vidyasagar.
  • It consists of the Harvard College Observatory and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
    Tempat tersebut terdiri dari Observatorium Kolese Harvard dan Observatorium Astrofisika Smithsonian.
  • The library was founded together with the Roman College by Ignatius Loyola.
    Perpustakaan ini juga didirikan bersama Kolese Romawi oleh Santo Ignasius Loyola.
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