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aids bahasa Inggris

aids artinya
  • So it's not an AIDS clinic. It's a community center.
    Karenanya ini tidak sekedar klinik AIDS tapi balai desa.
  • There are several million people dying of HIV and AIDS.
    Ada beberapa juta orang meninggal akibat HIV dan AIDS.
  • So AIDS is a sexually transmitted infection, and it kills you.
    AIDS adalah penyakit menular seksual yang membunuh Anda.
  • He's from Haiti and he has AIDS.
    Dia dari Haiti, dan terjangkit AIDS,
  • And then AIDS education in all schools, starting from university.
    Lalu pendidikan AIDS di semua sekolah, mulai dari universitas.
  • AIDS, the Ebola virus, on an evolutionary scale, they're newborns.
    AIDS, virus Ebola, dalam skala evolusi, mereka virus baru.
  • Are you afraid that I have sexually transmitted disease?
    abang takut AIDS ya?
  • Thousands of innocent hemophiliacs have died from the AIDS virus.
    ribuan orang tak berdosa telah mati karena virus AIDS.
  • I never even heard of Visual Aids.
    Aku tak pernah dengar Visual Aids.
  • Even if you have AIDS, you won't die tomorrow
    Bahkan jika Anda memiliki AIDS, Anda tidak akan mati besok
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