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burgundy bahasa Inggris

burgundy artinya
  • I hate you, Ron Burgundy. I hate you!
    Aku membencimu, Ron Burgundy.
  • It always goes down smooth. What a beautiful view, Mr. Burgundy.
    Selalu turun perlahan sungguh pemandangan yang indah, Tn Burgundy.
  • Would everyone love to hear Ron Burgundy play "yazz" flute?
    Apa semua orang senang mendengar Ron Burgundy bermain seruling jazz?
  • You continue to surprise me, Mr. Burgundy.
    kau terus mengejutkanku, Tn Burgundy.
  • I particularly like wines from Burgundy.
    Aku sangat suka anggur dari Burgundy.
  • I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Burgundy.
    Maafkan aku, Tn. dan Ny. Burgundy.
  • O'Hara, Butler, McFly, Plissken, Ventura, Burgundy,
    O'Hara, Butler, McFly, Plissken, Ventura, Burgundy,
  • In other words, Ron Burgundy was the balls. I look good.
    Dengan kata lain, Ron Burgundy adalah jagoan aku terlihat bagus.
  • It's me, Papa Burgundy, all right?
    Ini aku, Papa Burgundy, oke?
  • From there on out, things just got worse for Ron Burgundy.
    mulai dari sana segala hal bertambah buruk untuk Ron Burgundy.
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