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greenland bahasa Inggris

greenland artinya
  • Think of it as a layover on your way to Greenland.
    Anggap saja sebagai sebuah transit dari perjalananmu ke Greenland.
  • There's, like, eight people in Greenland.
    Ada sekitar 8 orang di Greenland.
  • May 14 – New orthography for the Greenlandic language is introduced.
    14 Mei – ortografi baru untuk bahasa Greenland diperkenalkan.
  • The melting of Greenland's ice sheet is linked to polar amplification.
    Pencairan lapisan es di Greenland terkait dengan amplifikasi kutub.
  • Truly airbase Greenland's our best bet.
    Lapangan Greenland akan sangat cocok.
  • Was great-grandfather in Greenland once?
    Apakah kakek buyut pernah ke Greenland?
  • 2009 – Greenland assumes self-rule.
    2009 - Greenland menyatakan pemerintahan sendiri.
  • Because of Greenland's remoteness and climate, survival there was difficult.
    Karena keterpencilan dan iklim Greenland, kelangsungan hidup di sana sulit dipertahankan.
  • Polar bears occasionally visit the island, travelling on icebergs from Greenland.
    Beruang kutub sesekali mengunjungi pulau, mengendarai gunung es dari Greenland.
  • This is above mainland Norway. You can see Greenland there.
    Ada di utara daratan utama Norwegia. Anda dapat melihat Greenland di sini.
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