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kaca bahasa Inggris

kaca artinya
  • I hear Minelli's billing you for the glass.
    Aku mendengar Minelli menagihmu untuk kaca yang pecah.
  • There's a wasp nest, by the... by the greenhouse.
    Ada sebuah sarang tawon di rumah kaca.
  • There has to be a logical explanation.
    Harus ada penjelasan logis. Mungkin ada lubang di kaca.
  • Could that mirror break from him hitting it?
    Mungkinkah kaca itu pecah karena dia memukulnya ?
  • The bennet girl left the house of mirrors.
    Puteri si Bennet telah keluar dari Rumah Kaca.
  • You're trying to make an umbrella made out of glass..
    Kau mencoba membuat payung dari kaca..
  • The glass would shatter and the metal would shred.
    Kaca akan menghancurkan dan logam akan rusak.
  • But Venus' atmosphere was flooded with greenhouse gases.
    Tapi Venus suasana dibanjiri dengan gas rumah kaca.
  • Khun Shone, the former footballer of Bangkok glass
    Khun bersinar, mantan pemain sepak bola kaca Bangkok
  • You have to be careful of glass. They're everywhere.
    Harus hati - hati, banyak pecahan kaca.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5