universitas cambridge bahasa Inggris
- He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.
Ia menjabat sebagai Guru Besar Matematika Lucasian di Universitas Cambridge pada tahun 1979 sampai 2009. - At the University of Cambridge he taught mathematics, then geophysics and finally became the Plumian Professor of Astronomy.
Di Universitas Cambridge ia mengajar matematika, geofisika dan akhirnya menjadi Plumian Professor of Astronomy. - Cambridge University Press is a department of the University of Cambridge and is both an academic and educational publisher.
Cambridge University Press adalah departemen Universitas Cambridge dan merupakan penerbit akademik sekaligus penerbit pendidikan. - Aleksandr Kogan, a data scientist at Cambridge University, developed an app called "This Is Your Digital Life" (sometimes stylised as "thisisyourdigitallife").
Aleksandr Kogan, seorang ilmuwan data Universitas Cambridge, mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi bernama thisisyourdigitallife. - She also studied at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, now, though not then, a constituent college of the University of Cambridge.
Dia juga belajar di Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, sekarang meski bukan universitas penyusun dari Universitas Cambridge. - In June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge as a sizar—a sort of work-study role.
Pada Juni 1661, Newton diterima di Trinity College Universitas Cambridge sebagai seorang sizar (mahasiswa yang belajar sambil bekerja). - Richard Drayton, a Cambridge University history lecturer, claimed that Ishii later went to Maryland to advise on bioweapons.
Richard Drayton, seorang pengajar sejarah di Universitas Cambridge, menyatakan bahwa Ishii kemudian ke Maryland sebagai penasihat agen biologi. - The Regius Professorships of Divinity are amongst the oldest professorships at the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.
Regius Professor of Divinity adalah salah satu jabatan profesor tertua di Universitas Oxford dan Universitas Cambridge. - During World War II, the School decamped from London to the University of Cambridge, occupying buildings belonging to Peterhouse.
Selama Perang Dunia II, Sekolah mengundurkan diri dari London ke Universitas Cambridge, menempati bangunan milik Peterhouse. - Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August 1665, the University closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague.
Segera setelah Newton mendapatkan gelarnya pada Agustus 1665, Universitas Cambridge ditutup oleh karena adanya Wabah Besar.
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