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itu ada di bahasa Inggris

itu ada di artinya
  • The page was here two hours ago.
    Halaman itu ada di sini dua jam yang lalu.
  • Leningrad, wasn't it? That's in Russia, isn't it?
    Leningrad, bukan itu Itu ada di rusia, bukan.
  • You said you have those photos on your computer?
    Kau bilang foto-foto itu ada di komputermu?
  • Your school, all of it is here, okay?
    Sekolah Anda, semua itu ada di sini, oke?
  • And I bet it's on the mainframe at TCRI.
    Dan aku yakin itu ada di TCRI.
  • I bet the fuckers are over there.
    Aku percaya para bajingan itu ada di sebelah sana.
  • The guy who always wears sunglasses, he was there.
    Pria berkaca mata itu ada di sana.
  • No, normally, it starts on the day.
    Ya, biasanya hari jadian itu ada di siang hari.
  • I'm sure the entrance is somewhere around here.
    Aku yakin pintu masuk itu ada di sini.
  • We believe that the stone is in there somewhere.
    Kami yakin permata itu ada di sana.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5