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kolektor bahasa Inggris

kolektor artinya
  • That piece was coming from a collector in Australia.
    Karya itu akan datang dari seorang kolektor di Australia.
  • All the honest officers, Iand owners, cops, collector, ministers.
    Semua petugas yg jujur, pemilik tanah, polisi, kolektor, menteri.
  • I will get the permission from the Collector.
    Aku akan mendapatkan izin dari Kolektor.
  • Actually, the collector's office closes early today.
    Sebenarnya, kolektor daerah sini tutup lebih awal.
  • Sukh meant that the collector's office closes at 5.
    Maksud Sukh, kantor kolektor akan tutup pukul 5. sore.
  • They are collection agents.. ..because they own God's franchise.
    Mereka agen kolektor karena punya hak waralaba atas Tuhan.
  • Well, he wanted Tax Collector of the Western Reserve.
    Ya, dia ingin jadi kolektor pajak di Western Reserve,
  • Being the regional collector, it's your duty to make the bridge
    Menjadi kolektor regional, sudah tugasmu membuat jembatan
  • The real Chesapeake Ripper is a collector of surgical trophies.
    Chesapeake Ripper yang sebenarnya seorang kolektor.. ..organ-organ tubuh.
  • In fact, he is responsible for Collector family's suicide.
    Nyatanya, dia bertanggung jawab atas bunuh diri keluarga kolektor.
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