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domestik bahasa Inggris

domestik artinya
  • I'm just gonna write, "Domestic disturbance, all clear."
    Aku hanya akan menulis, "gangguan domestik, semuanya selesai."
  • But I helped her through an abusive domestic situation.
    Tapi aku membantunya melalui kekerasan situasi domestik.
  • So, inevitably, we ended up volunteering domestically.
    Jadi tak terelakkan, kami akhirnya memutuskan sukarela di domestik.
  • And it was his philosophy to grow the domestic economy.
    Dan filsafatnyalah untuk menumbuhkan ekonomi domestik.
  • Let's just say it turned into a domestic drama.
    Katakan saja ini berubah menjadi drama domestik.
  • Very little is known about al-Ikhshid's domestic policies.
    Sangat sedikit yang diketahui tentang kebijakan domestik al-Ikhshid.
  • There is domestic helicopter service to the islands.
    Saat ini terdapat layanan helikopter domestik menuju kepulauan.
  • That's three times the Gross Domestic Product of Switzerland.
    Tiga kali Produk Domestik Bruto Swiss.
  • Bees and corn crops don't come under domestic terrorism.
    Lebah dan jagung tidak termasuk dalam terorisme domestik.
  • You ain't a boyfriend, you're a domestically violentsick motherfucker.
    Kamu bukan pacar. Kamu bangsat pecandu kekerasan domestik.
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