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13th century artinya

13th century artinya
  • From 9th century to 13th century.
    Dari abad ke-9 hingga ke-13.
  • Starting in the 13th century, lead was used to create stained glass.
    Sejak abad ke-13, timbal digunakan untuk membuat kaca berwarna.
  • The word became an ethnic identity in the 12th and 13th century.
    Kata itu menjadi identitas etnis pada abad ke-12 dan ke-13.
  • The first cookbooks began to appear towards the end of the 13th century.
    Buku-buku masak pertama mulai tampak pada akhir abad ke-13.
  • The island of Ternate began to bustle in the early 13th century.
    Pulau Gapi (kini Ternate) mulai ramai di awal abad ke-13.
  • By the early 13th century this territory was inhabited by Semigallian tribes.
    Pada awal abad ke-13, wilayah Bauska dihuni oleh orang-orang Semigalia.
  • During the 13th century, the Old Prussians were conquered by the Teutons.
    Pada abad ke-13, orang-orang Prusia Baltik ditaklukan oleh Ordo Teutonik.
  • Two excerpts were known from 13th century lectionaries of the Syriac Orthodox Church.
    Dua nukilan diketahui dari leksionari-leksionari abad ke-13 Gereja Ortodoks Siria.
  • The Afshars had migrated from Turkestan to Azerbaijan in the 13th century.
    Suku Afshar datang dari kawasan Turkestan ke Azerbaijan pada abad ke-13.
  • The earliest Bible translations into the Polish language date to the 13th century.
    Terjemahan Alkitab tertua ke dalam bahasa Polandia bertarikh abad ke-13.
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