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an bahasa Inggris

an artinya
  • It's not out of the realm of realistic-ness.
    Ini bukan dari kerajaan realistis - an .
  • Right from the first, "Death of an accordionist."
    Betul dari yang pertama, "Death of an accordionist."
  • My father owned a bar in the eighties.
    Ayahku punya sebuah bar pada tahun '80 an.
  • This Zhaohuai An he is only a looser
    Zhao Huai An itu, hanyalah seorang pecundang anda.
  • 'Cause all I see is an open door
    'Cause all l see is an open door
  • They will get an award of 3 million.
    They will get an award of 3 million.
  • That shipment was delivered to An Shigeng's mansion!
    Pengiriman itu dikirim ke rumah An Shigeng itu!
  • Roll an ambo to 1356 South 13th Street.
    Roll an ambo to 1356 South 13th Street.
  • I don't want you to get an apartment.
    I don't want you to get an apartment.
  • I got an e-mail today from a hacker.
    I got an e-mail today from a hacker.
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