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longinus artinya

longinus artinya
  • During the brief interregnum, the Constantinopolitan populace had made its views on the succession clear by cries in the Hippodrome demanding a "Roman emperor", thus rejecting the possible succession of Longinus, Zeno's brother.
    Selama masa interregnum singkat, penduduk Konstantinopolitan telah membuat pandangannya tentang suksesi yang jelas oleh teriakan di Hippodrome menuntut "kaisar Romawi", sehingga menolak kemungkinan suksesi Longinus, saudara Zeno.
  • The widowed Augusta was able to choose his successor for the throne and a second husband for herself in the person of Anastasius, a palace official (silentiarius), whom she preferred to Longinus, Zeno's brother.
    Janda Augusta mampu memilih penggantinya untuk takhta dan suami kedua untuk dirinya sendiri dengan Anastasius, seorang pejabat istana (silentiarius), yang lebih dia sukai Longinus, saudara Zeno.
  • Her father committed suicide in the Battle of Philippi, along with Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus, but her husband continued fighting against Octavian, now on behalf of Mark Antony and his brother Lucius Antonius.
    Ayahnya bunuh diri dalam Pertempuran Filipi, bersama dengan Gaius Cassius Longinus dan Markus Yunius Brutus, tapi suaminya terus berjuang melawan Oktavianus, sekarang atas nama Markus Antonius dan saudaranya Lucius Antonius.
  • As a result, the Lombard garrison in Ticinum proclaimed Duke Cleph the new king, and Helmichis, rather than going to war against overwhelming odds, escaped to Ravenna with Longinus' assistance, taking with him his wife, his troops, the royal treasure and Alboin's daughter Albsuinda.
    Sebagai akibatnya, garnisun Lombardia di Ticinum memproklamasikan Adipati Clefi sebagai raja yang baru, dan Helmichis daripada berperang melawan rintangan besar, melarikan diri ke Ravenna dengan bantuan Longinus, ia membawa serta istrinya dan pasukannya.
  • In 498, John Gibbo captured the last enemy leaders, Longinus of Selinus and Indes, and sent them to the Emperor, who paraded them along the main road of Constantinople to the Hippodrome, where they had to perform the proskynesis in front of the imperial kathisma.
    Pada tahun 498, Ioannes Gibbo menangkap para pemimpin musuh terakhir, Longinus dari Selinus dan Andis, dan mengirim mereka ke Kaisar, yang mengarak mereka di sepanjang jalan utama Konstantinopel ke Hippodrome, di mana mereka harus melakukan proskunesis di depan Kafisma kekaisaran.
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