. seperti apa bahasa Inggris
- .: .; "
- seperti: a-like; as; as the; as to; be like; same; such;
- seperti apa: what … like?
- apa: what; what was; whatever; what’ll; eh; which;
- akan seperti apa nantinya: what that will be like
- seperti apa . adanya: what looked like
- seperti apa adanya: at face value; such as it is
- seperti apa macam: what type of
- . apa: what does
- apa: what; what was; whatever; what’ll; eh; which; or; that
- seperti: a-like; as; as the; as to; be like; same; such; such as; such like; like; style; alike; kind of; equally; shape; same as; every bit; form; likeness; group; similar to; semblance; role model; model;
- apa apa: whatever; anything
- apa-apa: any; anything; whatever
- bukan apa-apa: small potatoes
- tak menemukan apa-apa: could find none