1,4-diklorobenzena bahasa Inggris
- 1 korintus 4: 1 corinthians 4
- 1 petrus 4: 1 peter 4
- 1 raja-raja 4: 1 kings 4
- 1 tawarikh 4: 1 chronicles 4
- 1 tesalonika 4: 1 thessalonians 4
- 1 timotius 4: 1 timothy 4
- 1 yohanes 4: 1 john 4
- col-1-of-4: col-4
- kejadian 1:4: genesis 1:4
- kw|4|susunsemula|1: twa|4|rephrase|1
- matius 1:4: matthew 1:4
- wkipedia:kw|4|spb|1: twa|4|npov|1
- daftar cjk unified ideographs, bagian 1 dari 4: list of cjk unified ideographs, part 1 of 4
- kanta sigma 35mm f|1.4 dg hsm: sigma 35 mm f|1.4 dg hsm lens
- 4: ad 4; league; mo4; fourth month; 4