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104 bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "104"
  • Core temperature 105 104 and decreasing.
    Detak jantung 190.. Suhu tubuh 105 104 dan terus menurun.
  • They said by noon it's gonna be 104.
    Mereka mengatakan siang itu akan menjadi 104.
  • We're on Highway 104, just passed Wuyi.
    Kami di Highway 104, baru saja melewati Wuyi.
  • I'm on Highway 104, just passed Wuyi.
    Aku di Highway 104, baru saja melewati Wuyi.
  • How old is she? She'll be 104 in October.
    Dia akan berusia 104 tahun bulan Oktober ini.
  • As a Brigadier, he commanded the 104 Infantry Brigade.
    Sebelumnya ia menjabat Komandan Skadron Skadron Pendidikan 104.
  • Nike lines happen 104 times more often.
    Antrian Nike terjadi 104 kali lebih sering.
  • Tom goes out directly east from 104.
    Tom dibuat mengarah ke timur dari 104.
  • He's on 104 at the moment here in late May, 2010.
    Dia berada di 104 saat Mei, 2010.
  • Flight 104 is 500 yards in trail, waiting for your go.
    Helikopter 104 berjarak 500 yards, menunggu perintahmu.
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