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134 bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "134"
  • Stalker 134, you make get ready in 5 miles.
    Stalker 134, Kalian harus bersiap dalam 5 mil.
  • It has 134 folios (so 268 pages).
    Karya tersebut terdiri dari 134 folio (268 halaman).
  • We employ 27,000 souls in 134 countries, including Vatican City.
    Kami mempekerjakan 27.000 orang di 134 negara, termasuk Vatikan.
  • We have a Code Blue in Room 134!
    Kode Biru di Kamar 134!
  • At the end of 2005, the Guard had 134 members.
    Pada akhir tahun 2005, Garda Swiss berkekuatan 134 anggota.
  • She appeared in 134 films between 1950 and 1994.
    Dia muncul di 134 film antara tahun 1950 dan 1994.
  • In the final she ended up placing fifth, with 143.4 points.
    Di final mereka meraih posisi ke-5 dengan 134 poin.
  • I'll take your X-Men 134!
    Akan kuambil komik X-Men 134 milikmu!
  • Mechnology Visual Effects created 134 visual effects shots for the production.
    Mechnology Visual Effects diciptakan 134 tembakan efek visual untuk produksi.
  • Nicole Hurley, 134 Perry Street.
    Nicole Hurley, 134 Perry Street.
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