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1870-an bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "1870-an"
  • New York had had electricity since the late 1870s.
    New York mempunyai listrik sejak akhir 1870-an.
  • It was built in the 1870s, from the Prussian War.
    Dibangun tahun 1870-an, dari Perang Prusia.
  • Maps of Japan and Higo Province were reformed in the 1870s.
    Peta Jepang dan Provinsi Awa diperbaharui pada 1870-an.
  • The best, from the 1870s, are in the SoHo-Cast Iron district.
    Yang terbaik, dari tahun 1870-an, berada di SoHo-Cast Iron kabupaten.
  • Beginning in the 1870s, satirical drawings appeared in newspapers and periodicals.
    Mulai tahun 1870-an, gambar-gambar satir muncul di surat kabar dan majalah.
  • The first sketch of the painting, the beginning of the 1870s
    Lukisan pertama lukisan itu, permulaan tahun 1870-an
  • The first sketch of the painting, the beginning of the 1870s
    Sketsa pertama lukisan itu, awal tahun 1870-an
  • Despite this, the Sheffield FA played by its own rules until the 1870s.
    Meskipun demikian, Sheffield FA bermain dengan aturan sendiri hingga tahun 1870-an.
  • Sikhs migration to Indonesia began in the 1870s (guardians and traders).
    Migrasi kaum Sikh ke Indonesia mulai sejak th 1870-an (kaum menjaga serta pedagang).
  • A limited number of voting rights were extended to female voters in the 1870s.
    Sejumlah hak suara terbatas diperluas kepada pengundi wanita pada 1870-an.
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