3 godfathers bahasa Inggris
- 3: ad 3; mo3; third month; 3
- 2,3,3-trimetilpentana: 2,3,3-trimethylpentane
- bola basket 3×3: 3x3 basketball
- matius 3:3: matthew 3:3
- 3 (filem): 3 (2012 indian film)
- 3 (telekomunikasi): 3 (telecommunications)
- 3 agustus: august 3
- 3 april: april 3
- 3 desember: december 3
- 3 dimensi: three-dimensional space
- 3 disember: december 3
- 3 februari: february 3
- 3 januari: january 3
- 3 julai: july 3
- 3 juli: july 3
- Over the next nine years they made Fort Apache, 3 Godfathers, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, Rio Grande, The Quiet Man, and The Searchers.
Sepanjang sembilan tahun berikutnya, mereka membuat Fort Apache, 3 Godfathers, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, Rio Grande, The Quiet Man, dan The Searchers.