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56 bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "56"
  • 56-year-old movie producer with dysfunctional bowel syndrome.
    Produser film usia 56 tahun yang punya penyakit usus.
  • See that parking garage over there on 56?
    Lihat garasi parkir di sebelah sana pada 56?
  • Victim number five, Shan Woo Fong, age 56.
    Nomor Korban lima, Shan Woo Fong, usia 56
  • Seven days a week, 56 weeks a year, trim!
    Tujuh hari seminggu, 56 minggu setahun, trim!
  • We gotta put you under now. - Please, Doc, I-I'm not ready.
    Turunkan tekanan sampai 56.
  • The gestation period lasts between 56 and 69 days.
    Kehamilan berlangsung antara 56 dan 69 hari.
  • Saint John Baptist Zhao Mingxi, aged 56, 82.
    Santo John Baptist Zhao Mingxi, 56 tahun, 82.
  • Okay, 56, looks like there's some friendlies on the ground.
    56, tampaknya ada beberapa teman di darat.
  • All told, there have been 56 deaths in 1408.
    Hmm. jumlah keseluruhan, ada 56 kematian di 1408.
  • Right now, I'm moving north, 33', 56'
    Sekarang ini kita menuju ke utara. 33', 56'
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5