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727 bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "727"
  • "Ms. 972, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection".
    Diakses tanggal 2017-08-29. ^ "Ms. 727, The Goodspeed Manuscript Collection".
  • They were later replaced by the Boeing 727.
    Ia kemudian digantikan oleh Boeing 727 .
  • As well as a 727 out of Lisbon.
    Begitu juga 727 di luar Lisbon.
  • Have November 727 Michael Golf approach from the southwest.
    Dapat November 727 Michael Golf mendekatlah dari barat daya.
  • The Boeing 727 of Avianca Airlines
    Boeing 727 milik Avianca Airlines
  • The 727 was the first commercial jetliner to reach 1,000 sales.
    Boeing 727 adalah pesawat jet komersial pertama yang mencapai 1.000 penjualan.
  • Different passenger, freight and convertible freighter variants were developed for the 727.
    Varian penumpang, barang dan kargo convertible dikembangkan untuk Boeing 727.
  • The airline acquired its first jet aircraft, Boeing 727s, in 1972.
    Maskapai ini diperoleh pesawat jet pertama, Boeing 727, pada tahun 1972.
  • Sell Mass Mosaic Tile CIS 727 GL
    Jual Keramik Mozaik Mass CIS 727 GL
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