abad ke-15 di inggris bahasa Inggris
- abad: century; centuries; c; centenary; time; age;
- abad ke-15: quatrocento; 15th century
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- inggris: albion; anglo; britain; england; anglo-; english;
- tokoh inggris abad ke-15: 15th-century english people
- abad ke-15 di brasil: 15th century in brazil
- abad ke-15 di eropa: 15th century in europe
- abad ke-15 di prancis: 15th century in france
- abad ke-15 di spanyol: 15th century in spain
- abad ke-15 di britania raya: 15th century in great britain
- abad ke-14 di inggris: 14th century in england
- abad ke-7 di inggris: 7th century in england
- abad ke-15 sm: 15th century bc
- kardinal abad ke-15: 15th-century cardinals
- karya abad ke-15: 15th-century works
- By the 15th century, in Britain, it had come to specifically mean the legislature.
Pada abad ke-15, di Inggris, itu secara khusus berarti badan legislatif.